It Always Gets Better

Every day, I have to continually remind myself that prosperity is a process, not an event.

And that’s because of the phenomenon of the snowball effect.

The snowball effect is used to describe how a small ball of snow at the top of a snow-covered peak grows in size as it rolls downhill.

It becomes so big that sometimes it’s 20, 50, 100, and even thousands of times bigger than the initial ball of snow.

This is how most growth in life is.

An example of a snowball effect that happened to me recently was in February.

So, in February, I decided to write every day.

Not just write every day, but write and also publish.

So, I wasn’t just taking notes and jots, but I was also editing, proofreading, writing and rewriting.

Think blog posts, articles, tweets and whatnot.

And the thing about writing every day is having to read every day + sometimes for hours on end.

The downside of all this was I fell sick.

But the upside was I made the most money I’d ever made at a single point the next month.

That single push in February snowballed into me taking more risks going forward.

The reason I’m sharing this is just to tell someone out there that growth isn’t linear.

And that sometimes it feels like you’re not even growing at all.

For someone like me who’s obsessed with constant growth, it can even be depressing when you hit a plateau.

The key is just to pick yourself up, dust yourself and keep going.

If it means you need to slow down, then please do.

The bamboo takes around 10 years to grow, but once it does it just keeps growing like it’s on steroids.

So, wherever you are right now, just keep going.

It gets better.

Uche Okoro

Writer. Sales & Marketing. Business & Investing Afficionado.

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