How To Get Testimonials For Your Business…Even If You Haven’t Sold A Single Unit Yet.

In 1923, W. H Murphy of the Protective Garment Corporation of New York asked his associate to shoot him twice in the chest in front of the police.

He was a maker of bulletproof vests & this live demonstration was to convince the police (who he was selling to) his bulletproof vests worked.

Such a strong man!

But what other way could he have convinced a buyer a bulletproof vest worked?

That’s how much testimonials & social proof are important.

We buy things because we see other people buying it or it works for them.

And many people won’t buy from you if there’s no proof your stuff works.

But you don’t have to get shot at to prove how effective your product is 

So, if you run a business, here are 5 ways you can use testimonials even if no one has patronized you:

1. Use It Yourself

Test it out & give feedback.

But don’t also forget you can suffer from owner’s bias. As such, you need a balanced approach when it comes to using it yourself.

2. Give away for free in exchange for feedback.

What are you selling? Give away some of it to your target audience.

Then ask for feedback. Then use this feedback as testimonials

3. Encourage people to talk about you – Church style.

“Did you like it? Can you tell your friends about it?”

Turn them into your evangelists.

4. Call your customers & ask for feedback.

When you’ve started getting some sales, you should call your customers & ask them some of the following questions:

“What was your experience?”

“Did you enjoy it?”

“Do you like it?”

Then ask for permission to use their testimonies on your page.

5. Use case studies.

These can be stories of similar people like the person you’re trying to sell to.

When you do this, you help your prospects identify with your subject’s distress or issues.

You also make them experience the future relief of what it would be like using your product/service.

The power of testimonials lies in social proof.

And majority of people base their buying decision on the strength of other people’s testimonies.

And this is why undeniable testimonials = effortless selling. Don’t sleep on it.

Learn how to use it in your business & watch your sales soar.

I hope this helps you.

– Uche.

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I hope this helps you.

– Uche.

Uche Okoro

Writer. Sales & Marketing. Business & Investing Afficionado.

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