Tag: Money

We All Don’t Care About The Same Things…And That’s Okay.

Something I learned from watching few episodes of Downton Abbey is not everyone thinks of or cares about financial freedom the way we think or care about.

A common theme we preach is “not having a boss to answer to” but the truth is some people want a boss to answer to.

Some people want a life of order and regiment.

Waking up by 5, getting ready for work, spending 8 hours at work, coming back home in the evening and whatnot.

Not everyone wants the chaos and uncertainty associated with entrepreneurship, though some thrive in spite of it.

I had a neighbour who told me he didn’t have a single entrepreneurial bone in his body. He just loved the corporate lifestyle.

To them that’s happiness.

Not a miserable existence and a life of quiet desperation like we all think.

And it’s important we respect that.

Not everyone has big dreams like you or I do.

While some want to conquer the world, some simply want to pass through this world unannounced.

As marketers selling financial freedom & business opportunities, it’s important we understand the concept of points of entry when trying to sell to people.

It’s important to sell to people solely interested in you and what you have to offer.

Because you can never provoke or force or coerce desire.

People buy something because there’s a draw deep down in their spirit towards it.

Your words & promises are not meant to convince them, just draw those desires out and let them convince themselves it’s what they want.

Makes your job 20x easier.

I’ll end this with learn how to manage and conserve your energy (selling energy) for people who need it.

I hope this helps you.

Love, light & poto poto 

Happy Valentine’s Day,


The 8-part Sequence To Making A Super Irresistible No-Brainer Offer

Most internet marketers incorrectly assume the OFFER has to do with price, or extra bonuses and freebies.

Whereas there are eight main parts to making a compelling & powerful offer.

And there are:

1. Your product name.

Lol, yes!

Sounds unbelievable but true.

But when religious people tell you there’s POWER in a name, you better believe them.

If you wake up tomorrow & decide to create a product, what your customer stands to gain has to be front & centre in its name.

2. Your Product Promise

This is where you use future pacing to describe how your product will solve your prospect’s problems & make their lives better in a few weeks, months or years down the line.

Why should I spend $1000 on your product when I could take it to the strip club?

3. Your story/Your product’s story.

Is it relatable?

Do I see myself or glimpses of myself in your story or product story?

Can I like the Samaritan woman Jesus met at the well say “Damn, it seems like he knows me, my deepest thoughts & everything I’ve been through”?

4. You

Yes, you.

Who the fuck are you? And why should I  give you my money?

People talk about the Godfather offer.

But who made the Godfather offer?

Don Corleone.

He had a reputation for being a man of his word.

That’s what credibility does for you.

Can I trust you?

5. Price.

Finally, what everyone wants to compete on.

But you know what’s crazy?

Pricing your product high also works as an offer.

It screams premium & exclusive (even if it might not be). Though that’s not an excuse to price your stuff high if it’s shit.

Put out good shit.

6. Bonuses

Lol, I know this is your favourite 😋

Well, who doesn’t like a little extra?

Everyone is addicted to free.

But whatever it is you’re adding has to relate to your main product.

E.g Samsung releases a new phone, prices it at a discount & adds earbuds as a bonus.

7. Scarcity & Urgency drivers

Would I miss out on anything if I spend this $1,000 on a hooker tonight instead of paying for your Masterclass holding next month?

If your scarcity & urgency drivers don’t make him either pay immediately or wake up at 3am & wonder why he didn’t pay immediately.

Or at worst, bookmark your sales page (not like you’d know though), then you’re doing something wrong.

8. Guarantee

Has to be (or at least) sound rock solid.

So there you have it.

I hope this helps you.


PS: Shout out to Victor Olutimi for this headline. I won’t have thought of another better.

Storytelling And Why It’s So Important In Selling

Do you know the reason why stories work so well in selling?

Well, when your brain sees something, the first thing it tries to do is analyze it.

“What’s this?”

“How does this help me?”

“Why should I keep watching or listening or reading this?”

“Why should I pay attention to this?”

“Is this interesting?”

But all of these questions are asked subconsciously.

What a story does is help you bypass these subconscious questioning.

And that’s because over time our brains have been wired to let stories in.

It’s how our ancestors passed the time when they still lived in the caves and bushes.

Even boring subjects become interesting overnight because stories break the analytical frame your brain is in and makes it easier for ideas to be planted.

Ask any student, the most interesting subjects were the ones whose teachers found a way to weave storytelling into their teaching.

Stories are one of the few times we let our guard down.

It is one of the few ways we can participate in powerful emotional experiences together.

Rumour has it that in lots of cinemas around the world people broke down in tears when Thanos beat the Avengers.

Even though they knew it was just a movie, the experience was so powerful they felt like a part of it – they completely forgot.

Some of the biggest movements in the world have largely revolved around storytelling – religion, politics, business, culture, art etc.

What do you think Christianity would be like without a Bible filled with stories?

Why do you think the average human being’s interest goes up once they smell gossip?

Why are gossip blogs almost never out of business?

Our brains can’t help it.

Stories are addicting.

If you want to be a better salesman, tell better stories.

Or rather, fill your brain with great stories.

Or better still, go out there and live a life filled with experiences so you can have stories to tell.

You have no idea when they could come in handy.


Ad Breakdown Episode 1 of 2022

The Omega Speedmaster Ad

This ad is such a ridiculously good ad (and short too).

Been long I did an ad breakdown, so lemme share something with you guys today.

How can a man in a $27,000 suit settle for a $235 watch?

Headline opens up with curiosity – how all headlines should be

Shockingly, it also reminds me of this video of Eminem talking about his wristwatch

First paragraph – rarity/exclusivity.

2nd paragraph – prestige

3rd paragraph – ruggedness, efficiency & durability.

Last paragraph – legacy.

Everything you need in a wristwatch.

Because of the Eminem video, I got inspired to create an ad for G-Shock.

I did this under 10 minutes & I didn’t even edit it😆


How Can a Man Worth $230 Million Settle For a $100 Watch?

Two things that are constantly preached to entertainers:

1. To ensure they makes move that make financial sense.

2. To think and act with the long term in mind.

None of which is surprising either.

Even though you’d hardly expect entertainers as vibrant and eccentric as they are to listen to this, so imagine our shock when we found the G-Shock on rapper Eminem.

But when you think about it, the G-Shock is designed for the job to withstand the rigors of always being on the road and performing in front of crowds who grab at you.

You don’t want to lose your $1 Million wristwatch to a group of moshers and crazy fans.

And you can wear it everyday without being afraid it would scratch.

As an entertainer, you can always give it away…and get another one later.

It might be just $100 to you, but priceless to a fan.

And that is what everyday performer wants to give their fans above all else – MEMORABLE MOMENTS to be remembered by.

Plus, don’t forget the greatest rapper of all time, Eminem wears a G-Shock too.

So if you’re wearing a G-Shock, you should be proud of it – 15 Grammys, multiple platinum albums, diamond certified singles, ten Billboard number ones, an Oscar and 220 million albums shipped worldwide.

For any other watch, the G-Shock would be too much.

Now that’s cool!

You don’t don’t need to call your financial adviser to confirm if you can get a G-Shock.

It’s just $100.

That makes financial sense too.

Let’s do it together with a G-Shock.

Don’t Let Them Brainwash You

People always use the words “manipulate” and “brainwashing” in negative ways.

But it’s so wrong.

Of course, I’m not trying to argue with y’all, but let me tell you a story.

You see, 2 years ago I got an offer to work with a top 5 Nigerian bank.

I was just done with NYSC 3 months before, recently moved to Lagos, the selection process was crazy but I’d scaled through quite easily.

Didn’t have a background in traditional finance but I planned to do an MBA within 2 years.

Everything was perfect, or at least I thought so. And it looked like my stars had aligned.

But there was a small issue.

You see, just before that job offer came in, I’d been teaching Spanish on the side as a way to get by while waiting for a job.

The first client I had suggested I get a job in sales.

He’s a big time sales manager in one of the biggest wine distribution businesses in Nigeria.

I won’t say I really understood because everything I knew about sales, especially in corporate Nigeria was those bankers with wornout shoes walking under the sun begging people to come bank with them.

Didn’t sound appealing at all.

Just at the beginning of October, my client had to cancel because it was the start of the ember months and it was the season for serious business.

I was in a rut.

My only source of income at the time and I didn’t have a place of my own – I was sleeping around Lagos like an ashewo, fam 😁

As fortune would have it, I stumbled on this tweet.

I said as fortune would have it because my notifications were turned on for Toyin Omotoso.

I jumped on it and he replied, I asked to DM and we booked a date for the first meeting.

Subsequently,  we agreed on 2-3 sessions every week for 2 hours per session.

I’d leave my friends house at Satellite Town on those days we agreed on by 10-11am in order to beat traffic for 4 o’clock meetings in Lekki.


Now, this is where it gets iffy.

You see, something crazy happened during those meetings.

After I was done teaching Toyin Omotoso Spanish, we’d start talking about stuff in general and next thing he’d start talking about sales and marketing, direct response,  copywriting and lots of stuff.

I had no idea I was being brainwashed – in a good way 😆

Because when the job offer from the bank came in, I was in a bus at CMS when my phone buzzed that afternoon, I wasn’t so sure I wanted it anymore.

After our class that day, I told him I’d gotten a job and he was happy for me, congratulated me and all.

But then I told him I wasn’t sure about the job anymore. 🤔

I said I wasn’t sure if it was what I wanted out of life.

He told me to go take the job, and if I didn’t like it, I could leave.

Mind you, there wasn’t any job offer on the table from him.

But that was all I needed to hear to validate my feelings.

After the first day of work, while in the bus on my way back home, I kept asking myself:

“Is this what I’d be doing for the next 2 years? Living like this?”

It was around 11pm when I got to my street, I took out my phone and called 2 people: my good friend KCee who I always bounce ideas off and my mother.

My mother said 12 of the most shocking words I’ve ever heard:

“Whatever you decide to do is fine by me. I support you.”

It felt like a strange load had been lifted from my shoulders.

Made me wish I had dropped out from uni when I wanted to.

Never did because of her.

I knew it would break her heart so I just stayed on.

So this was crazy!

When the girl I used to ride the bus with called me the next day as she didn’t see me around, I made up some flimsy excuse.

I never went back.

I quit after one day.

I went back to teaching Toyin Omotoso Spanish and after each session he took my brainwashing and manipulation programming up a notch.

He’d print out tons of sales letters and give them to me to copy out by hand over the weekend and show it to him at our next meeting.

He’d give me books on sales, marketing and direct response to read.

The stories I was hearing then.

People running direct response campaigns and making millions.

Someone making one million Naira in a day.

From words.

As in the ABC?

You have no idea how things like this rewire your mind & recalibrate your brain.

But fam I kid you not, at some point it felt like pouring water on stone because I was a complete rookie.

I didn’t understand zilch. Nothing. Nada.

Big headed olodo 😑

This week makes it 2 years since then.

The internship program ends in October and the girl I used to ride the bus to work with sent me this message weeks ago.

Did I make the right decision?

Lol, yes I did.

Because hunger wire me like thief between December and January 2020. 😭

But roughly 3 months after I turned that job down, I got an offer to be an apprentice copywriter under Toyin Omotoso’s tutelage.

Now, I’m currently the Digital Content Manager, Chief copywriter and content creator at Expertnaire.

2 years later, I’m in the sphere of Copywriters who are good enough to charge $5,000 per pop.

But job titles, money and growth aside, I’ve had a more peaceful and fulfilled life.

I’ve grown like weeds, my guy.

There’s something CJ Johnson always says on Twitter:

Keep reading those books and listening to podcasts and brainwashing yourself.

I want to add keep taking risks, betting on yourself, manipulating your mind and brainwashing yourself.

Like the title of this article says: Don’t Let Them Brainwash You, instead do the brainwashing yourself.

It’s worth it.

– Uche

PS: If you’d like to be brainwashed too, then you should read this 👇🏿


Why You Should Make It Harder For Them

Apple releases a new phone almost every year, and when they do they increase their prices.


It’s a marketing tactic not talked about enough.

It’s called FRICTION.

Now lemme explain.

Now, most marketing books you’ve read tell you to reduce FRICTION in the sales process, remove barriers for your customers blablabla

But introducing friction into an idea has always been one of the easiest ways to build a perception of high value, scarcity & exclusivity.

It’s how you build a rabid fanbase.

It’s how women get men who are simps to do everything for them.

By making it hard for him.

It’s the same way Cults tell you to sacrifice who you love most.

When you do this, you show one thing:

You’ve replaced who you love most with the cult.

Which means they’ve achieved a top of mind position in your life, and whatever you’re asked to do next you’re 99% likely to do it without arguing.

It’s the same way we’re prone to hold inaccessible people in higher regard.

It’s why fans go crazy for celebrities.

With their star power, huge security & inaccessibility they’re not just ordinary day to day people.

(Even the 2nd Law of See Finish states that them no fit see you finish if them no dey see you at all).

Have you ever heard of the adage “Good things come to those who wait”?

It’s used to make people value things that come via hardwork, labour & patience.

Because of Apple’s positioning, an iPhone has become a status symbol.

People stay out under sun and blistering cold whenever a new release drops just to get it.

You see someone with an iPhone (in a country like Nigeria) and the first thing that comes to your mind is they’re rich.

Nothing else matters.

Doesn’t matter how they’re dressed or how they look.

A Mac user doesn’t call his Mac a laptop, he calls it a Mac 😁


But why am I telling you all this?

You see, a course creator/digital product owner who raises the price of his course from N10,000 to N15,000 after a deadline isn’t doing the wrong thing.

If his course is good enough and the offer is crazy, it’s necessary that he introduces friction somewhere along the line.

We preach about making grandfather offers all the time, but sometimes make it harder for everyone to get in.

Those who eventually get in will love you for it.

That’s why people say Apple is a cult.

Maybe it’s true, maybe it’s not.

But I hope this helps you.

– Uche

How Is It Horses Feel No Fear While Charging Into Battle?

If you’ve seen epic movies like Lord Of The Rings, The Last Kingdom, Spartacus etc, you’ll notice something:

How most of their war scenes are men riding horses charging into battle.

Now it’s amazing that these horses know they are charging into their potential death and yet keep going.


Preprogrammed conditioning.

Before taking them into battle, over a period of time the riders feed these horses, water them, talk to them, rub them etc.

They make them start responding to certain actions.

They talk to them even though they are horses and will surely not understand human language.

But there’s a reason why.

The idea is simple.

And it’s to make the horses comfortable with them.

To make the horses used to them.

To make the horses trust them.

So when they command the horses to charge into battle, they don’t hesitate.

Even at the cost of death.

Because once the horse hesitates or doubts, it’s doom for the rider.

Now think of this when you put out sales messages and run marketing campaigns.

Most of the people who see your promotions for the first time won’t buy.

It happens to me too when I see a great offer.

Instead of buying immediately, I just want to watch.

And it’s not because they don’t need what you’re offering.

It’s not because they don’t believe you.

Sometimes it’s not because they can’t afford it.

Though sometimes it could be because they can’t afford it at the moment.

So what happens when they can afford it and they don’t remember you?

What happens when they make a buying decision and can’t find you or your product?

They’ll spend the money on something else.

This is why it’s important to create what they call a ‘top of mind’ position in your prospect’s head.

When you create a top of mind position, trust is achieved at this point.

Or at least,  they’re willing to try what you’re offering,  even if it’s not immediately.

And once they’re ready to spend their money, it should be you they think of first.

So, how do you do this?

By constantly communicating with them.

Posts, articles, emails, stories, tweets, status updates and all kinds of helpful or engaging content.

You have to be all in their face like acne…just don’t be as annoying as acne.

Make them remember you.

Like John Carlton would say:

The offer is “Who you are”.

It is the biggest part of your USP, and this is where most people screw it up.

You have to be aggressive but not offensive. It is the essence of the Go-To-Guy.

I keep talking about being the Go-To-Guy.

Be that guy your reader needs you to be to trust you enough to take the action you want him to take.

It sounds kind of complex, but it is really not.

If I need my plumbing fixed…my sink has exploded…I need you to be the plumber that is going to show up on time, with a truck that says “Joe’s Plumbing”, with a tool kit.

I don’t need you to show up in a clown costume, with some shuck and jive that you are really a plumber but you are a clown on the side and you just came from a kid’s party or something like that.

I don’t want to hear that stuff. I want you to be that guy, and it really is that basic.

Before you get down to the nuts and bolts of price, delivery system, how soon it is going to arrive, whether it is an ebook or something that you will mail, all that stuff, it is all about who you are.

So, think about you with this offer…who are you?

Who are you in this person’s life?

You have come out of nowhere, you have presented yourself as an intrusion in the guy’s life.

You are at first a distraction and you want to move into some kind of a bonded relationship, some kind of thing where you are now a resource.

The Go-To-Guy is a resource.

It may be that if Scott helps me with my debt consolidation, I may call Scott when I have a legal problem.

And I would say “Scott, I know you are not a lawyer, but do you know a lawyer I could call because I am getting a divorce (or something).

I do that because you are a go-to-guy.

And, of course, the next time I run up my Master Card over the levels I will go back to Scott.”

You need to be the Go To Guy.

And I hope this helps you.

– Uche

How To Enjoy Copywriting, Write Easily And Make The Most Of Your Time & Effort.

Copywriting is hard.

Don’t let anyone lie to you.

All those talk about writing how you talk, communicating simply, using power words, copywriting hacks blablabla

But here’s the ONE way I approach it everyday that makes it easier for me:

If you look at my bio, it says “Swiss Army Knife”

But what exactly is a Swiss Army Knife?

Before I define it for you, lemme give you a background.

You see, I’m what you call a telescopic learner.

Telescopic learners are people who like to know a little about everything, unlike microscopic learners, who know so much about one thing.

I’m a telescopic learner.

It’s why I can easily have conversations about sports, women, music,  red pill, books, history,  government,  current affairs, religion, coding, business, writing etc.

I’m the guy who can conveniently have a 3 hour conversation with someone talking about different things.

Truth is, I don’t know any of these things deeply. I just know enough to carry a conversation.

Secured a half a million Naira contract in my 4th year in University because I could speak coding.

Mind you, I tried to learn how to code for about 2 months in my first year in Uni. Didn’t have a laptop, couldn’t afford it so it never worked out.

I got that contract and I didn’t even know how to code.

But I knew people who could and I got it for them.

I still don’t know how to code.

Got my current job from a client I was teaching Spanish.

But teaching Spanish? How?

I’ve never even left the country as an adult.

The two times I left Nigeria for Cameroon was as a child and a teenager.

But Spanish simply sounded cool at the time and I decided to learn it.

The other helpful thing is I’ve learned how to listen.

It’s a skill you pick up when you listen to a different girl every night vent for close to 4 hours during midnight calls in your teenage years.

So, I mostly just chip in, crack a joke and let them talk while I listen.

“Smartest kid in class, most informed kid in class, sabi boy blablabla”

I’m none of that.

Being a telescopic learner has been how I’ve been able to survive for most of my life.

This is how I’ve mostly survived up till now.

But somewhere along the line,  I noticed if I wanted to thrive,  then I had to go into something microscopically.

And copywriting was one of the first things that challenged my telescopic learning abilities.

The only thing I’ve ever tried to learn microscopically in my life is Copywriting.

So much so that for an entire year in 2020, I didn’t do anything else except studying Copywriting.

But not everyone has the time to do this.

Plus, remember this thread wasn’t supposed to be me talking about myself, but about how you can enjoy the Copywriting process.


So, how do I enjoy Copywriting?

Well, I approach each new project with the idea of learning something new.

For example,  I found out recently that the bags under your eyes can be measured during a hospital test from a project I just finished working on.

That’s something I never knew before.

But it’s now a cool fact I have in my pocket to pull out during conversations 

I wow my girl every time we talk about health related stuff and I just tell her random things she hasn’t heard before.

If only she knew my health plug is Matt Cook 

Yesterday,  while sourcing for ideas for a client, I wrote a line about Thanos and the Avengers.

The truth is, I’ve never seen Avengers Endgame because I hate sci-fi movies.

But I could pull out that random idea just to illustrate a point.

Last night,  while watching Lord Of The Rings 2 (The Two Towers), I noticed a cool sales and marketing lesson embedded in one of the scenes.

I was up at 1am writing an article on it.

Copywriting has helped me notice even the most mundane things.

And that’s because I approach every single project with an open mind – to LEARN.

I know I make rookie mistakes every now and then.

I know I might write crap every now and then.

I’ve written copy that was unreadable.

I’ve written copy that has tanked.

But the only thing that makes me wake up every morning with renewed purpose to keep going is that singular possibility – LEARNING SOMETHING NEW.

And I remember I was supposed to tell you what a Swiss Army Knife was at the beginning of this post.

Anyway, Google is your friend 😁

But here’s what a Swiss Army Knife looks like, and what it means.



How To Get Testimonials For Your Business…Even If You Haven’t Sold A Single Unit Yet.

In 1923, W. H Murphy of the Protective Garment Corporation of New York asked his associate to shoot him twice in the chest in front of the police.

He was a maker of bulletproof vests & this live demonstration was to convince the police (who he was selling to) his bulletproof vests worked.

Such a strong man!

But what other way could he have convinced a buyer a bulletproof vest worked?

That’s how much testimonials & social proof are important.

We buy things because we see other people buying it or it works for them.

And many people won’t buy from you if there’s no proof your stuff works.

But you don’t have to get shot at to prove how effective your product is 

So, if you run a business, here are 5 ways you can use testimonials even if no one has patronized you:

1. Use It Yourself

Test it out & give feedback.

But don’t also forget you can suffer from owner’s bias. As such, you need a balanced approach when it comes to using it yourself.

2. Give away for free in exchange for feedback.

What are you selling? Give away some of it to your target audience.

Then ask for feedback. Then use this feedback as testimonials

3. Encourage people to talk about you – Church style.

“Did you like it? Can you tell your friends about it?”

Turn them into your evangelists.

4. Call your customers & ask for feedback.

When you’ve started getting some sales, you should call your customers & ask them some of the following questions:

“What was your experience?”

“Did you enjoy it?”

“Do you like it?”

Then ask for permission to use their testimonies on your page.

5. Use case studies.

These can be stories of similar people like the person you’re trying to sell to.

When you do this, you help your prospects identify with your subject’s distress or issues.

You also make them experience the future relief of what it would be like using your product/service.

The power of testimonials lies in social proof.

And majority of people base their buying decision on the strength of other people’s testimonies.

And this is why undeniable testimonials = effortless selling. Don’t sleep on it.

Learn how to use it in your business & watch your sales soar.

I hope this helps you.

– Uche.

If you enjoyed this thread, you should be following me on twitter.com/ucheokorolive because why not? 😁🤷🏿‍♂️

I hope this helps you.

– Uche.

What You Can Learn From Studying New Ads To Help You Get Better At Copywriting.

What do old ads that worked in the past and new ads working in the present have in common?


But here’s one other thing I noticed too 👇🏿

While copying out this Pitney Bowes Mailstation 2 Ad last week, it struck me.

This ad is simple and goes straight to the point with one major thing: BENEFITS

Weigh It. Print It. Mail It. All-in-one.

The do-it-all digital mailroom.

It tackles the What’s In It For Me (WIIFM) question & tells you from the get-go what this machine is offering you.

Plus, there’s a coupon code right on the front page for you.

I mean, even if you wanted to resist, how many people can easily resist what’s free? 😁🤷🏿‍♂️

Especially when it’s plastered at the front like this 😁🤷🏿‍♂️

At the upper right-hand corner, there’s a postage stamp (PAID).

Look below and you see “An approved licensed partner United States Postal Service”

Just in case you don’t believe 😁

What this does is REDUCE the burden on the customer.

As EVERY ad should do.

“Receive a 60 day free trial & free shipping on your order”

Man, everything about this ad screams OFFER!!!

The offers are so much, you don’t even notice the company’s name 😁

Plus, it’s in small letters.

It tells you to IGNORE us & instead FOCUS on what we’re GIVING you.

Mailstation 2 also sounds like PlayStation 2.

Reminds me of the Poo-Pourri ad where the lady says it has better Amazon ratings than the iPhone 5

An excellent way to piggyback an existing or probably bigger brand.

Chances of stickability? Super High.

Also, look at how the different capabilities are segmented.

This proves people buy a product for different reasons.

Some people might buy this Mailstation because of its weighing capabilities.

Others might buy because of printing, while some others because of mailing.

Also, some people might buy it simply because it’s a great deal & it’s going to help them save money.

Notice how the colour on the SAVE segment is different too.


Just in case you’re not convinced by every other thing, it REMINDS you it’s a deal which will save you money.

Human beings love anything which either makes them money or saves them money.

Kaboom! 🙌🏿

The segmentation also helps to highlight each of the capabilities with the use of bullets.

“•Save space”

“•Print postage”

“•Mail & Track”

“•Refill Postage”

If you’re not convinced from bullet 1, then bullet 2 should get you.

Isn’t it why they are called bullets? 😁🙌🏿

They are also highlighted with a darker ink to draw your attention to them.

Smart 👌🏿

Even the website pboffer.com/smallbusiness alludes to the fact this deal is mostly for small businesses.

And how’s it even a lie?

A small business would need an all-in-one mailroom because:

– They either don’t have enough space for all the other machines.

– They don’t have money for all the other machines.

– They probably don’t process enough orders to need all the other machines.

Genius stuff 🙌🏿

Start your 60-day free trial. Hurry, this special offer expires May 31, 2016,” says one thing:

This is a GREAT DEAL & it won’t last forever.

One word: URGENCY

The next section breaks down the offers in easily digestible bites for the customer.

I mean, how is it a good offer if your customers don’t even understand?

$20 in postage coupons every month.

Net cost per month.

Metered mail discount.

Free Shipping.

Offers! Offers!! Offers!!!

This section also shows us how important it is to REPEAT the offers.

Your customers have a lot going through their minds already.

They’ll forget.

So, REPEAT the DAMN OFFER again and again and again.

See how the pronouns YOU/YOUR are used in this section.

It’s always about the customer.

Powerful Words 👌🏿

They also managed to add their social media buttons.

Just in case you decide not to buy, you could follow them on any of the social media channels.

Following them on SM will likely put them in your face all the time.

Chances are sooner or later you’ll buy 😁🙌🏿

If you don’t, at least they can brag about an extra follower on social media 😁🤷🏿‍♂️

Also, Mike Schauer of swiped.co had this to add.

But above all, I think this is a damn good ad.

PS: As I’ve said before, this is my breakdown of this sales letter. I probably missed some things too and you’re free to point them out.

P.P.S: As much as I call myself a copywriter, like other copywriters, I miss some of these things while writing too.

My breakdown of this letter isn’t to tell you how to write or what to do.

It’s simply to reinforce what I’ve been hearing for the last year.

And hopefully get better at this thing of ours.

I hope this helps you.

If this post gets serious engagement, I might be tempted to continue to do this kind of breakdown every week.

So, like, comment and share so other people can learn.

Also, don’t forget to follow me on Twitter.

Go here: twitter.com/ucheokorolive

That’s where I drop other powerful insights in sales and marketing you won’t find here.

If you’re interested in this letter, here’s a link to it: https://swiped.co/file/trial-postcard-pitney-bowes/